How to be wise!

wise advice

Prov 5 There is an old saying, “loose lips sink ships.” Solomon wisely counseled his children to avoid that which seduces. It is tragic that later in Solomon’s life, his many wives turned his heart away from God. Seduction is one of Satan’s tools to disarm and destroy. He does it by twisting scripture, adding half-truths, or just offering what sounds and looks good. Yes, Solomon’s words have a profound warning ‘seductive words are smoother than olive oil.’ Eve was his first victim; King David was another. Will we add to his quiver with our lack of paying attention to these words of counsel? Solomon is offering to us the fruit of falling for Satan’s tools of seduction.

That leaves us with the question: How does one avoid being seduced as Eve was or as King David? First, we must be attentive to wisdom which is prudence in action. Secondly, we must pay close attention to the understanding of those who are wiser than us. Thirdly, we avoid Satan’s seduction by this counsel: ‘Guard your heart with all vigilance, for from it are the sources of life.’ [Pro 4:23] And “love God with all your heart, with all your mind, and with all your strength and love your neighbor as yourself.” [Mar 12:33]

Whose voice will you listen to today? 

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