God’s Ways are Higher!

Obey God

Genesis 47 and 47 Back in Genesis 12, God told Abram: “Go out from your country, your relatives, and your father’s household to the land that I will show you.” [Gen 12:1] Abram obeyed, but then he went took a detour in Egypt. Neither time did he ask God, nor did he set himself and his family aside from the Egyptian culture. There is wisdom in those events when you reap what you sow. Abram sowed seeds of disobedience and he reaped the fruit of sin. Before you set out to “go down” to Egypt, consider how you are to live. We are to be a witness to God’s faithfulness, but we are not to cohabit or marry an unbeliever for “what does a believer share in common with an unbeliever.” [2Cor 6:15] 

Years later, Joseph found himself in that land yet was faithful to Yahweh while many were not. Thus, when he instructed his family to come “down” to Egypt, he wisely separated them from the temptations they might face. 

If God should send you into “Egypt,” are you prepared to separate yourself from the culture and cling to holiness? God gave Moses a principle about the Nazarenes. They were to “be separated and holy to the Lord” [Num. 6:8]. That same principle is for believers as well. Therefore “come out from their midst, and be separate,” says the Lord, “and touch no unclean thing.” [2Cor 6:17] 

Why is God so clear on this subject? It is because His ways are higher than ours. [Is 55:8-9] His plans are not to harm you but to give you a future filled with hope. [Jer 29:11]

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