God’s Puzzling Patience

God knows each puzzle piece

Isaiah 64 to 66 If you have ever worked on a jigsaw puzzle, you know that you must have patience as you search for that piece that seems to hide in the pile of pieces. God is a master at puzzles, and although we do not know where that persnickety piece is, God has no problem. He knows which piece fits and He patiently finds it and places it to complete the picture. Isaiah, as God’s prophet, has been faithfully piecing the puzzle pieces of Israel together. Although he will never see the birth and life of the Messiah, the Holy Spirit has graciously shown him the pieces needed to see the finished picture. He has faithfully written the words that the Holy Spirit has given to him. Some were harder than others, and some were praiseworthy.

In a particularly hard time, Isaiah pours out his heart and looks for that missing puzzle piece as to when the Lord will come to rescue them. But, God the Almighty tells Isaiah that He will not come “yet.” Their sins are like scarlet, and their so-called righteousness is as filthy rags. Their praises are not for Jehovah but for the idols they fashion. God had promised centuries before, and He will again: I will not abandon my children.

The patience of God is amazing. He will not leave his children even as sinful as they are. Peter answers the “why” question: He is not slow but is patient because he does not wish any to perish but for all to come to repentance. [2 Peter 3:9]

God is faithful and patient. Are you?

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