Isaiah 27 In chapter 26, Isaiah said, “The steadfast of mind You will keep in perfect peace because he trusts in You.” The key is trusting in God. We know that all through scripture, we are reminded that we are in a spiritual war with our enemy Satan. He has been at war since he left his habitation of the perfect heaven and began a war with God and His kingdom. Many have faced him as he has waged war and “won.” Won is put in quotes, for he may win a battle, but he has not won the war. He lost it at the cross when Jesus said: “it is finished!” [John 19:30]
Isaiah sees into the future when the war between God and Satan will come to a screeching halt. He will punish Leviathan, the fleeing serpent with his fierce and great and mighty sword. There is only one sword that can defeat Satan, and it is the Word of God. Paul referenced it in Ephesians 6, where he described our spiritual armor. Wherever the sword is the weapon of choice, he must yield to it. Jesus used it; Paul referenced it, and James said it.
“In that day,” God will be the victor! The dragon will deceive no more.
The time is coming when there will be no more war and only peace. It will be a perfect peace because the Word is victorious over any words that Leviathan whispers in our ear, shouts from the mountain top, or presents to us in whatever fashion he chooses.
He won’t win. Claim victory now!