Hang in there…we aren’t at the finish line yet

Psalm 43 to 45 On a scale of 1 to 10, how is your day going? Are you among those who grumble and complain about life and wish you could go back to the “good old days?” But how good were they? Reviewing history, we recall that in the twentieth century, there were two world wars. Yesterday was the 76th anniversary of D-Day, where 4000 men lost their lives on Normandy’s beaches. Children contracted polio and spent their days in an iron lung. We could go on and on, yet in all of that, know this: God was still on the throne.  He is sovereign and in control. He knows the beginning and the end.

Stop and consider this; God has placed us, in this century, at this time, just as he did, King David and Queen Esther and Nehemiah and Cyrus and many more.  He chose this time for us because, He has plans “not to harm ‘us’ but to give ‘us’ a future filled with hope.” It may seem like God has taken his hand off the world, but the psalmist reminds us to “wait for God for his saving intervention.”

As we walk and talk through each day, we should praise Him because we now have the privilege to “confidently approach the throne of grace to receive mercy and grace whenever we need help.” Like the saints of old, we can praise Him because God is in the business of granting continual blessings for his children.

We can praise Him for each new day because God is not finished yet.

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