Psalm 94 How often do we take on the role of God by becoming the avenger because we become impatient? The psalmist reminds us that God is the avenger and He is the judge of the earth. David knew God was the avenger and he told Goliath that before he slung that fateful stone. Gideon needed convincing but when he gathered courage, he was used by God to avenge Israel from the Midianites. Sometimes God uses us but more often than not He steps in to do the “dirty work.” He sometimes uses hailstorms like in Egypt or fire or blindness so the enemy cannot see. Whatever God decides fits the situation, He uses. The promise is what the Psalmist said: Lord the God who avenges that is his character. God uses what will reveal His splendor because we are the sheep of his pasture, the sheep he owns. It is fitting then that He would avenge the wrongs and He will render judgment to His righteous ones.
Today be ye confident, the God who made the human ear hears your prayer. The God who made the human eye sees all that transpires. He is our avenger, protector, and deliverer. Why? Because the Lord is our Shepherd and the Shepherd does not forsake his people, the sheep he owns.