2Samuel 22 What do you do when you come to the realization that through all of life’s struggles God has been at your side? When you look back do you take time to journal or sing praises? David took an entire chapter to share his mindset and his praise to God for His loving kindness. He looked back and said, “God is my refuge.” God has saved me from violence—wonder if he was thinking how close he came to death when Absalom was seeking to take his life and install himself as king? It was at that time, as he notes, the currents of chaos overwhelmed me. Yet in vs 7, he recalls how in this time of distress he called out to the Lord and from His heavenly temple He heard and responded. His response came in the form of darkness, thick rain clouds, thunder, and lightning. How often do we see a thunderstorm as evidence of His listening and power? I can attest to that. Many years ago God did exactly that for me when I called out to the Lord; reveal Yourself to me for I am in a quandary.
Where have you been that you have called out to God and He revealed Himself in some miraculous way? Would you share that we all may praise God and share in your answer?
Vs 31 the Lord’s promise is reliable; he is a shield to all who take shelter in him.