Exodus 35-37 “When I am tested, I will come forth as gold”
Alchemy is the attempt to convert base metals into gold but God didn’t use base metals, He used the real thing to complete His Tabernacle. Thinking back to the trials the men/women faced in Egypt we can see that God used them to instruct his men/women in the skills that would be needed to build His dwelling place. From that trial came the jewelers, woodsmen, and women skilled in weaving. The people groaned under the pressure but God was forging His people in the fire of that trial. Often we cannot see or understand that God is turning our trial into the precious gold to be used for His kingdom work. Trust God, He is doing just that and why you need to do, as I have to do, count it all joy when you encounter trials.
Among the released slaves was a man by the name of Bezalel, son of Uri, son of Hur of the tribe of Judah. God chose him as His architect with a vision to build God’s “palace.” He was not just an architect but he was an artist extraordinaire. Imagine being given this task to build this Tabernacle that would envision heaven on earth in all of its glory. In addition, God skilled others to assist him; jewelers who took the pure gold and pure silver to cover the boards that they would gleam in the sunlight. There were others who were craftsmen with wood. It was God that gave these men and women the ability and the intelligence along with the vision.
How beautiful are the men and women who are skilled to fulfill God’s work! You may be God’s Bezalel or Oholiab and He has been forging you in the fire to accomplish His beautiful work.
Stop and think what skill God has given to you and are you using it for His glory? “
But he knows the pathway that I take; if he tested me, I would come forth like gold. [Job 23:10]
Photo credit: Christopher Campbell/ unsplash + author caption