Psalm 125 Trust God ..End of Discussion
Two principles: The Lord God carved out the seas and the mountains. He raised up and continues to raise up and put down kings or rulers. Some kings are like the sea; unpredictable. They ebb and flow like a sea; quiet one day and a raging fury another. Some kings are like mountains; predictable; steadfast and immovable.
We ask: so what…? Let’s see what God wants us to learn.
Illustration One. One day our life is calm as a quiet rhythm yet in a matter of minutes life can become a raging fury. If we choose to put our trust in the sea, we may find ourselves blown and tossed around by the water and wind. Our life becomes like a raging and furious storm which is uncontrollable and often produces devastating results. But the psalmist offers a simple but profound truth. If we trust in the Lord, we will not be like the sea that is unpredictable. Instead, we will be like Mount Zion, a picture of strength and endurance. Sunny or stormy, the sea is unpredictable. Sunny or stormy, the mountain stands firm and steadfast; it is predictable. Where will you put your trust?
Again another illustration. The wicked king seeks entrance into our beautiful land of peace. He comes with scepters to seek, kill and destroy. But if we trust in the Lord, we have His scepter, his double edge sword, which is stronger and mightier to fight off the “wicked king’s” wrath. Additionally, the Lord has a promise for those who choose to trust in Him. He will surround you and protect you with His mighty army so you can withstand any storm that the “wicked king” may design and seek to thrust upon you. You do not need to fear! Just trust in the Lord and you will be firm like the mountain.
Remember Elisha’s servant who was fearful as he saw the “wicked king’s” army? [2Kings 6] Elisha assured him, “Don’t be afraid, our side outnumbers them.” Elisha prayed; open my servant’s eyes to see the angelic forces surrounding us. And God will do that if you pray that same prayer. It is all about trust in the One who carved out the sea and the mountain; raises up and puts down kings.
The answer to the so what question: Stand strong like a mountain!