How to Begin Your Day

psalm 94 begin day with God
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It is good to talk in conversation with God and especially so when you know you will encounter those who are the unbelieving. Psalm 94 is what we might call a prayer and conversation as the writer voices his questions and his responses to his own queries. This alone is his answer to the wicked (the unbelieving). “How blessed is the one whom you instruct, O Lord, the one whom you teach from your law,  in order to protect him from times of trouble, until the wicked are destroyed.”

The writer of Hebrews counsels: “And let us take thought of how to spur one another on to love and good works… but encouraging each other, and even more so because you see the day drawing near.” This brings us to this profound reason as to why we spend time in God’s Word each day as well as attend our worship services. It is alone with God and corporately with others that we receive instruction and encouragement. The benefit is the blessings we receive from the Lord.

Beloved as you consider your day, begin with worship, go with a merry heart, a teachable spirit, and a countenance that reflects that you have spent time with God. This and this alone will assist you in the spiritual battle that the enemy erects.




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