Waiting is probably one of the hardest things for me to do. In fact, I find exasperating. If truth be known I tend to fret, fume and frame my words to show exactly how I am handling this when answers do not come as quickly as I think they should. Can you relate? Perhaps the psalmist had this problem and why he begins his prayer with these words and echoes them again later: “Wait in silence—For God alone I patiently wait.”
How does one wait? What do you do while you wait? Is silence hard for you as it is for me?
The psalmist began to meditate upon the God whom he knew and trusted. “He alone is my protector and deliverer.” The Apostle Paul knew how to wait in times of distress; persecution; famine and all other kinds of things that the archenemy planned for his destruction. Both the psalmist and Paul counted on this truth: “in all these things we have complete victory through him who loved us.”
We can wait because God is immoveable as a rock, steadfastly implanted in our frame. Yet often, like Elijah, I am so impatient to know God’s plans. I must remind myself to be still and know that until I hear the still small voice of God I will not know His plans for me.
“Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one.” He was sovereign at the beginning and he has not ceased to be. He is rock, salvation, defender, refuge and glory because all power belongs to Him.
Love your writing Gaye and the appearance!!
Thank you for your words of encouragement!
norma laughmiller
I seem to have same problem and relate with David and you. Often those verses come to me giving me what I need for the times. Thanks, Gaye, for sharing your heart so often. You’ve been on my mind and heart many frequently through all the weather, rains & floods in TX. Lovingly to you, always counted as one of my blessings, norma
On Thu, Jun 30, 2016 at 12:48 PM, SonShines Journal — its all about God and His Word wrote:
> gaustin00 posted: “Waiting is probably one of the hardest things for me to > do. In fact, I find exasperating. If truth be known I tend to fret, fume > and frame my words to show exactly how I am handling this when answers do > not come as quickly as I think they should. Can you” >
Blessings Norma, yes waiting is hard and I often find myself doing as I wrote: fretting, fuming and framing words that are not worthwhile for a child of God. We are actually doing quite well…we now have a new roof! We are waiting on the next project which is the fence. The TV man’s lapse of good judgment placing his foot in the ceiling has also been repaired. VBS went super well, 1025 kids and 100+ professions of faith. God is good, these are the minor “deadly d’s” that keep me going back to the Lord.
Thanks for your encouraging words.