We all love the warm and fuzzy’s but in Mark 10 Jesus strips away those to reveal who we really are. We either have hard hearts, receptive hearts or blind hearts and it all begins with one question: Are we good? The rich young ruler called Jesus “Good Teacher.” Jesus asks him pointedly, “Why do you call me good? Only God is good.” If you believe me to be good and only God is good, then I am God. Are you really wanting me as God to show who you really are?
Our measure of “goodness” is faulty for the Law was given to reveal to us who God is and who we are. The rich young man felt he had “done” all good things but knew he was lacking in one area. He was truly asking, what am I missing but when the scales are removed from his eyes, he sees but is unwilling to give up that one thing—his riches. He was blind to his breaking of the first and last commandment: have no other gods before me and do not covet. When that was revealed he was unwilling to surrender those and follow God.
God wants us to see that to have eternal life we must see ourselves as God sees us. We have missed the mark of God’s standard. “we have all sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” But, the promise for eternal life is there when we are willing to surrender our “wages of sin” and receive the “gift of eternal life.” [Rom 6:23]
Are you good?
Are you willing to surrender all to Jesus?