Isaiah 28-30 Isaiah is challenging his readers to see the true source of God’s way. He exposes the folly of the leaders of the northern kingdom as well as the southern kingdom; therefore, God would allow them to fail but save a remnant to lead His faithful people. God would become “a beautiful crown and a splendid diadem for the remnant of his people.” [Is 28:5]
Why does he do that? Because they are only hearing meaningless gibberish, much like our sing-song childhood of “ring around the rosies.” They needed the meat of the Word, but their hearts were hard, and they refused to listen. How like today! They wanted Isaiah to not “relate messages of what is right but tell us nice things.” [Is 30:10] They wanted to hear you are ok, just as you are. How foolish. We need to know that we are sinners in need of salvation. Isaiah’s words seemed too simple, and like many today they wanted to go deeper, but in reality, it is the simple message of the gospel that brings us to the foot of the cross where we see our need for the cleansing of our sin.
Come and hear the simple message of the gospel: you are cleansed not by works but by faith.