

Isaiah 1 to 3 Commitment means you hang in to the job when times are hard, slow, or non-existent.          

Isaiah was a prophet to Israel. He ministered through four different kingly reigns and prophesied about a king not yet born—Cyrus, who would release Israel from Babylonian bondage. His call to prophetic ministry began in the year King Uzziah died, and although excited to start his ministry, it soon became apparent that it would be a time when the people were hardened to God. He summarized it this way: “An ox recognizes its owner; a donkey recognizes where its owner puts its food; but Israel does not recognize [God].” God even prepared Isaiah for the arduous ministry, saying that the people won’t listen; they won’t pay attention to you. When we studied Ezekiel and Jeremiah, we saw much the same response, and it sounds much like the time in which we are living.

If you were to be hired, like Isaiah, to do a job and God said, Oh, by the way, you won’t be successful; would you walk away or “hang in there” year after year after year? It takes commitment to do God’s work.

When God calls you to do ministry for him, know this truth, “you are called, wrapped in God’s love and kept for His Son, Jesus Christ.” [Jude 1] That was Isaiah’s understanding and what encouraged him through four different governments. 

Are you that dedicated? 

Photo: Gerd Altman/Pixabay

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