The Attributes of God

God is God

  Psalm 145 How often have you had this experience? You have read a passage of scripture many times, but today something new jumps off the page. Why didn’t I see that before? So it was with the Psalmist. He saw God as never before. He saw Him as his God, His King. Do we? The Psalmist is so struck by this revelation that he made a conscious decision to praise His name continually. “The Lord is great and certainly worthy of praise. No one can fathom his greatness.” Do we talk about God in this way?

Further on in this psalm, he noted:  “The Lord is just in all his actions, and exhibits love in all he does. “The Lord is near all who cry out to him, all who cry out to him sincerely” [Psalm 145: 17-18] Truly, God is just, and his actions prove his love for men. And that is why we can say for certainty that God is as true then as he is now as he will be in the future.

God is God. He is just, and He is love.  Both attributes work in harmony, and one without the other is like a one faced coin, like a river without water, like a mountain without rocks and trees. Love and justice complement each other. And that is why we can come as the Psalmist and say: [Ps 145:21] “My mouth will praise the Lord. Let all who live praise his holy name forever!”

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