Genesis 6 to 9, Ps 78 Snails move slowly as if they are considering their next move. They leave behind a trail of where they have been but it is slow. Our lives move at warp speed these days but we might take a clue from the snail as we ponder how to leave a legacy that will honor God. What does a snail leave behind but goop but as people of God we have a mind to make choices. Some choose to pass on money, some wisdom; others the character qualities of godliness and righteousness. But what is the one thing that tops all of those ideas? It is what Enoch and Noah did: they walked with God and God noted it. He has recorded it for all of us to see and learn that their relationship with God was their priority day in and day out; they could weather the storms of life.
Walking with God is a trait that Jesus affirmed when he said: Abide in me so you can bear much fruit. That means it is an active choice to listen, obey and affirm God’s ways above all. Your worship includes extravagant love and extreme submission to Him that He alone may be glorified. Matthew Henry says: “it is to make God’s word our rule and his glory our end in all our actions.” When the rest of the world denied Him as Lord, Enoch and Noah kept their integrity and passed that quality on to their children. They chose to “tell the next generation about the Lord’s praiseworthy acts, about his strength and the amazing things he has done.” [Ps 78:4] for one reason: that the next generation, children yet to be born might know about Him and then, in turn, pass that on to their descendants.
Don’t be like a snail; begin NOW in 2019 to set your goal to establish a legacy!
Why not start today?
amen important words to ponder in 2019