Family reunions are both a blessing but sometimes an embarrassment such as when “Uncle Judah” shows up. Memories flash through our minds of his two wives and his unrighteous sons. We feign welcome but our minds reel at his latest episode of impregnating his daughter in law unsuspectingly. And here he is in the line of Christ along with that daughter in law Tamar. How did he get here? The sovereign hand of God shows us that He will make us part of His family when we seek His face and His forgiveness. He used people who were righteous such as Abraham but also those rascals such as Judah. And how did that happen? “But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.”[ 1Co 6:11]
It was not until 14 generations had passed that God sent His Son to be born of a virgin and join this genealogical lineage and he would do it through the Holy Spirit. And then God would provide a righteous earthly father to shelter the virgin. God’s plan in eternity past came to fruition that we might behold His glory, Emmanuel, God with us and the very radiance of God himself.
God had a master plan for Judah and He has one for you. He sent His Son to save you from your sins so that you could be included in his family reunion. Have you had your name written in His book?
Photo Credit: (Joao Silas) + Author’s Caption