You can tell when someone is praying if they “know God” or just “know about Him.” The author of Psalm 94 “knows God” intimately. He knows that in the end when all else around him is falling apart he can trust God who is the Avenger of all that is wrong. The author is really asking us this: When your life turns upside down where or to whom do you turn? Psalm 94 answers that question poignantly and with faith: Lord God You alone are my avenger of all that is so wrong even if I do not see it now. I can trust you to right all wrongs in your time frame.
But, in our instant gratification world in which we live, we find ourselves asking the “why” question: how long will the wicked celebrate, spew out threats, speak defiantly and boast and in the process they crush believers in body and spirit. Beloved it is then that we must recall the faith and truth of the author of Ps 94 and Romans 11, “the Lord does not forsake his people, he does not abandon those who belong to him.”
When we face a world that seems upside down remember “your loyal love, O Lord, supports me. When worries threaten to overwhelm me, your soothing touch makes me happy.” Claim the promise: O Lord you alone are the God who avenges and wait on Him.
© Mark Rasmussen | Dreamstime Stock Photos + words of Ps 94