
God’s Word in Your New Life

“To have found God and still to pursue Him is the soul’s paradox of love, scorned indeed by the too easily satisfied religionist, but justified in happy experience by the children of the burning heart” (A W Tozer – The Pursuit of God).

We taste Thee, O Thou Living Bread, and long to feast upon Thee still: We drink of Thee, the Fountainhead and thirst our souls from Thee to fill.
-Bernard of Clairvaux (1091 – 1153)

“For seeing how dangerous it would be to boast of the Spirit without the Word, he [Christ] declared that the Church is indeed governed by the Holy Spirit; but in order that this government might not be vague and unstable, he bound it to the Word.”
– John Calvin (1509-61, Theological Treaties)

Drinking at Christ’s Fountain – The Primary
Ministry of the Holy Spirit

When we turn from our sin (repentance) and trust Christ, He sends His Holy Spirit to live in our hearts, to mediate His presence to us, to show us His glory, and to instruct, guide, and empower us.

Read John 7:37-39. What does Jesus say will occur when a person comes to Him in faith?

Read the following passages. What more did Jesus say about the Holy Spirit (spirit of truth)? Do a Word4Word meditation on John 16:13-14, especially on the expression “what is mine” and “will tell you”. Record your thoughts

  1. John 5:39-40
  2. John 14:26 –
  3. John 15:26 –
  4. John 16:13-14 –

Notice the centrality(the quality of being essential or of greatest importance) the apostle Paul gives to the presence and effect of the Holy Spirit on the Christian.

  1. Romans 8:9 –
  2. Ephesians 1:13-14 (cf. 2 Cor 1:21-22)-
  3. Ephesians 5:18-19 –

The Holy Spirit Uses God’s Word to Transform Us

The “word of God” is also called the good news, the gospel, the word of Christ,” etc. Read Colossians 3:16. How is the word of Christ to live in us (cf. 1 Thessalonians 2:13)?

Read 1 Corinthians 2:12-14. What does the Holy Spirit enable the Christian to do?

What does this mean in your life?

Can you explain the diference between a Christian and a non-Christian?

The Importance of Biblical Meditation for
Knowing God and Doing His Will

  1. To what end does Moses say God has given us His word? See Deuteronomy 29:29 (cf. Deut 32:47)
  1. The Christian is engaged in a battle on many levels. How can we have victory? See Joshua 1:8 (cf. Psalm 119:9-11; Matthew 4:4ff; John 17:17 and especially James 1:22-25)
  1. Read Hebrews 4:12 and summarize its message.
  1. How does God use Scripture in our lives? Carefully read 2 Timothy 3:16-17 and fill in the chart below (cf. 2 Peter 1:20-21)?

The Bible is ______________________________ and ___________________________ for _________________________, ____________________, _________________________, _______________________________________________ so that the person of God might be __________________________________________________.


Summarize your thoughts regarding the importance of Scripture for knowing God and following Him. 1John 2:3-6 (Relate your thoughts to the daily Quiet Time, Bible memorization and prayerful meditation.)