
Establishing A Daily Quiet Time

Quiet Times & Scripture Memory

  1. Continue to build daily Quiet Times into your life.
  2. Scripture Memory.
    1. John 3:16
    2. Ephesians 2:8-9
    3. Philippians 4:6-7
    4. Galatians 6:7-8 (This week’s passage)

Meeting with God

The greatest blessing gifted us through our participation by faith in the death and resurrection of Christ is that we have been completely forgiven and reunited with God, just as Jesus promised. The Holy Spirit has come to live in our hearts and now reveals Christ and the Father to us and he convicts us of our sins. We no longer have a hardened heart to sin as we did as a non-Christian. When we sin now it breaks our fellowship with God. Our instant “fellowship break” saddens God and He immediately begins the process of conviction and seeking repentance on our part. 1John 1:9 In fact, God tells us in 1 Corinthians 1:9 that He “has called us into communion (i.e., a deep sharing in life together) with Him in Christ Jesus”. In short, we have union with Christ in his death and resurrection (Romans 6:1-12) and communion with Him through His Spirit (cf. Ephesians 2:18). This means that we can seek the Lord in His word and prayer and sow to please the Spirit throughout life.

A foundational way to grow in your relationship with God is to establish a daily time with Him, alone and undistracted (cf. Mark 1:35). We will be doing this using the Psalms. This coming week, before our next gathering, let’s continue to read daily in the Psalms. Let’s try to read 1 Psalm per day, beginning with Psalm 8 and going through to Psalm 14. Record your thoughts on the Quiet Time (QT) handout. Below is a simple outline for time with God. Adjust the time allotments accordingly.

15 Minutes with God: Sample Outline

Time Activity
2 mins Before Reading the Psalm
A Prayer of Surrender & Confession Lord, you have shown me over and over that you love me completely. I surrender my life to you! Forgive me of my sins. You are my joy!
A Prayer for Insight & Understanding “Open my eyes Lord that I may see wonderful things in your law. –
Cause me to remember things I need to so I can share them with people you are putting into my life.
Psalm 119.18

10mins Read the Psalm
Meditate on the Psalm & Record Your Thoughts (QT handout)
Try Word4Word Prayerfully
3 mins Prayer & Commitment Thank you Lord for what you have shown me today.
Use the Prayer Acronym A C T S Adoration Confession Thanksgiving Supplication
Lord, please show me how I can act on what you’ve taught me today. Give me the strength to commit to do it, according to your will and for your glory.
