The Next Generation Needs YOU!

2Kings 15 to 17  & Prov 1:4 “Fathers Listen Up”

2kings 15 to 17 and prov 1 pay attention2aA godly family does not just happen; it takes work. If we look back we see the failures of fathers like Eli, Samuel-a prophet yet had ungodly sons; David who did not confront sin and Solomon as wise but did not practice application.  Now in this set of chapters we see men who were given the privilege of raising sons and future kings yet failed miserably. It is heartbreaking as you read king after king fails to raise godly leaders of their homes; the nation and the church. It is into that heartbreaking scene we read these words “they did not pay attention.” And again they worshiped the Lord “AND” at the same time served idols.

So the question before us is how can that cycle be broken?  Men, (women too) here’s our challenge straight from Proverbs. If a man (or woman too) wants to know how to raise godly children who will be leaders, you must start at the foundational level. The book of Proverbs is given to impart shrewdness to the morally naïve; a discerning plan to the young person. Shrewdness is that quality that means you are sagacious; having or showing keen mental discernment and good judgment. Discernment is the ability to judge well especially with a view of obtaining spiritual guidance and understanding.

How does one accomplish this? By reading, meditating and practicing what the Word of God says. It is not too late. We must be training up the next generation and it starts with us.

May it not be said of us that we “didn’t pay attention.”


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