You can be a hero for God!

Joshua 15 The Faithful CalebToday we have Hollywood, which tries to show us brave men and women in movies like Braveheart, but nothing compares to the “movie” God reveals to us in the book of Joshua with the hero Caleb. He and Joshua alone had believed God and was promised that he would see the […]

Be Strong and Courageous

Joshua 1-3 “Be Strong and Courageous” As Moses concluded his address to the nation and in particular to Joshua, he noted the same words that God would speak to Joshua in the first chapter: “Be strong and courageous.” Joshua had seen the Red Sea opening and now would see the Jordan open as well. God […]

Funerals and Eulogies

What words would you want to be said at your funeral? Think about it. Joshua 24:29  We have walked from Egypt to Israel with this great man of God who now is called, like Moses, the “Lord’s servant.” If by some miraculous means you could hear what is said at your funeral what would that be?  […]

If you want lemonade, squeeze the lemons

How many times do we lose focus on the end game? Have you lost your dream because your eyes are on the problem before you instead of the Master’s eyes on the problem? Joshua 17 In Joshua 17 the descendants of Joseph come to Joshua with their complaint: we don’t have enough land. Remember the old […]

The Never.Look.Back Man

Where are you in your walk with God? Are you looking back or forward? Joshua is an example of   “The Never. Look.Back. Man” Out of the pages of history, Joshua rises to show us what it means to ‘never.look. back.’ He lived in slavery, saw the man Moses come upon the scene after many prayers […]

The Battle is in the Mind! 2Cor 10

David Mathis, Ex Editor for Desiring God wrote in his blog yesterday: “In communicating the gospel, one of the essential things we must at least imply, if not make explicit, is the most offensive truth possible: you are powerless precisely where it matters most. You are dead to what truly is life.” When we come […]